Racking inspection training

Many different companies provide racking inspection training courses for your dedicated inspector (the individual responsible for the racking safety in your warehouse) to attend to expand their knowledge on guidelines, legal responsibilities and requirements. Along with this, understand how to record the findings to meet legal compliances.

What’s included in the course?

Typically speaking, all courses follow near enough the same structure which covers the key subjects and following content:

  • The types of racking i.e pallet racking and cantilever racking.
  • The identification of racking components.
  • Awareness of the structure of the racking.
  • The importance of regular racking inspections.
  • The types of inspections you can carry out, record keeping and how to action your findings.
  • Knowledge on the inspection equipment.
  • How to prevent further damage of the racking facilities.
  • On-site practical (usually carried out at your warehouse).

Racking Inspection Course

How does this racking training course benefit my business?

There are many ways in which racking inspection training can benefit your business. These include:

  • Can be cost-effective for your business by carrying out in-house inspections.
  • Allows you to work in accordance with SEMA guidelines.
  • Allows you to comply with legal regulations.
  • Expands your employee’s knowledge and understanding of safe/ unsafe racking.
  • Helps to increase staff efficiency and productivity.

Types of training

There are three ways in which this course can be carried out; either at a training centre, in your warehouse or online. However, the options available to you will be dependant upon what options your chosen provider provides. If you know that you want to complete the course online, you could always look for a company which offers their training via video conferencing such as Skype, Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Usually, it is cheaper to complete the course online however, many individuals do not find it as useful not being face-to-face with the trainer. Although, all methods are effective and at the end, you will receive the same certification, it is down to preference what method you choose.